Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lots of pictures....

Christian has had alot of excitment the past few days. Sunday Joes cousin Natalie, hubby Will and their two boys William and Joshua came to visit. We had a really nice time sitting in the back yard playing with the kids. On Tuesday while Joe was at work Christian and I went to visit his Grandparents. He does really well in the carseat for the hour and a half drive. I was very proud of him. We had fun visiting, I did not get any pictures but Aunt Aimee, Alex and Hailey came to visit while we were at Grandma and Paps. He loves playing with his cousins..I did the pictures backwards..Still trying to get used to this blogging thing..
Papa feeding Christian...
NeeNee I am so tired, but I refuse to sleep...
Having fun with Papas wheelchair...
Swinging with Grandma and Pap...
Grandma your so funny, Mommy loves pictures of my dimples...
Christian and Josh going for a ride...
Daddy put some water in here so I can swim...
Well ok it's just as fun without water...
Natalie and Christian...
Josh loving all over Libby...
William teaching Christian how to use his playset...


Mindy said...

I love the pictures! They are all so wonderful and it's nice to see all your family! Family is SUCH a blessing, isn't it? Can't wait to see you in a few days!

Anonymous said...

We had a fun time visiting you guys. Hope we didn't wear Christian out!

- William & Josh's dad

Anonymous said...

Well written article.